Go barefoot for hormone balance! 🦶
Did you know that there is a free and easy way to balance out your hormones?
Go barefoot!
There is now a wealth of scientific research showing the health benefits of walking barefoot, also known as 'grounding' or 'earthing'. (Check out earthinginstitute.net)
Here's how it works:
The earth is a massive reservoir of free electrons. Without a connection to this reservoir (rubber and plastic-soled shoes disconnect us..) the cells in our body are unable to balance the charge of electron-deficient free radicals. The effect of earthing on clumped blood cells is well-documented.
Our modern environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from wifi, bluetooth, computers and other electrical appliances, which all add to the problem. Electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies which disrupts the trillions of subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of our body's physiological functions.
By being grounded we greatly reduce the levels of these voltages as we are then effectively shielded by the earth's large electrical mass.
So what does this have to do with hormones?
Human physiology has over 100 biological rhythms that are timed and co-ordinated with the rhythms of our environment. All living things, including us, regulate their activities in harmony with the day-night cycle.
But there are also lesser-known more subtle natural pulses involved with regulating our internal physiology and cycles. Female physiology is regulated by an array of hormones whose concentrations vary from moment to moment in relation to rhythmic changes in our environment. An example of this is how a natural menstrual cycle co-ordinates with the moon's 28-day cycle.
According to the Oschman-Chevalier (Ph.D) study on the effects of grounding on women, symptoms of being disconnected from the earth include:
Irregular or abnormal periods
Breast swelling and tenderness
Mood swings, irritability and depression
Foggy-thinking and memory loss
Difficulty sleeping/insomnia
Sound familiar?
So many of these are symptoms are widely associated with perimenopause and menopause, and could perhaps be alleviated by regular earthing..
Easy ways to get grounded:
The Oschman-Chevalier paper concludes that being connected to the invisible silent pulses of nature gives rise to normal hormonal regulation.
My favourite method of grounding is walking barefoot on the grass when I walk my dog, weather permitting! Or you can just go into the garden and place your hands or feet on the earth or grass. Sand is also great for grounding, as is immersing yourself in a natural body of water such as the sea if you are fortunate enough to be near the coast.
I recommend 15 minutes of earthing/grounding every day for health and hormone balance.
Melissa x