Hot flushes? Don't panic... 🥵
They may well be your friend... 🔥
Hot flushes or flashes are one of the most common symptoms in perimenopause and at menopause. Some women experience a sudden dry heat, while others report drenching sweats usually on the upper part of the body - night-time and/or daytime. Personally, I’ve experienced both! I find that they are worse when I am highly stressed.
One of the fundamental principles of homeopathy is that symptoms are the body's way of healing itself - and hot flushes are no exception..
Sweating is an extremely efficient way for the body to rid itself of toxins, and raised temperature is the body’s way of burning off virus and bacteria (as we know from the fever immune response). Hot flushes and night sweats may be the body ‘letting the plug out’ as it were. They also have a role in balancing out the nervous system, hence are helpful in dissipating the heat that builds up in the body when we are stressed.
In intuitive healing, I find that the liver is often in need of support when a woman is suffering with hot flushes. The liver stores anger, so clearing and healing resentments is incredibly helpful.Check out my free Masterclass Managing Perimenopause and Menopause Naturally for more information.
Here are some of my top tips for managing hot flushes naturally:
There are many homeopathic medicines (known as remedies) for hot flushes and menopausal symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on an individualised basis, but the one I find that I most prescribe is Sepia. Other indications for using this remedy include feeling worn out and exhausted, angry and ‘never been well since’ a hormonal change or using synthetic hormones.
Essential Oils:
Clary Sage (also good for mood swings)
Peppermint Oil (I make up a rollerball and use it on pulse points, across my shoulders - and if my partner is with me – along my spine for instant cooling)
Cheaper essential oil brands may not be properly sourced/prepared, and can contain unwanted additives. My favourite brands are Zephorium, Neal's Yard and Doterra.
Never use essentials oils 'neat' on the skin - always dilute them (10 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil such as almond or fractionated coconut oil for topical use) or pop them in your diffuser.
Ginseng is generally good for menopausal symptoms and particularly helpful for hot flashes and mood swings.
Sage is wonderful for hot flushes and sweats, try making your own sage tea with fresh sage leaves - drink at least 1 cup a day.
Evening Primrose Oil is taken from a yellow flower that blooms at night. It contains gamma-linoleic acid, which is part of Omega 6 fatty acids and supports the body to produce prostaglandin hormones. Evening Primrose Oil has other health benefits such as fighting hair loss, joint pain, and anxiety. You can either buy capsules or you can take in an oil form
If you’re a yogi like me, you will know this one! Roll your tongue to create a tube and take 5-10 deep inhales and exhales for instant cooling.
Melissa x